Initiatives (web page in progress)

A World Expo is a global event that showcases the achievements of world nations whilst educating the public, sharing innovation and encouraging collaboration.
On January 1, 2024, a 7.5-magnitude quake rattled the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa, causing devastation across the region. Continued search-and-rescue efforts have been severely hampered by harsh winter conditions and severed/blocked-off roads.
Government Relations is the Chamber’s 4th and most recent pillar, introduced in 2022 to develop and maintain relationships and collaboration efforts with outside entities. The group assists with raising the overall awareness of the BCCJ through media, liasons and by maintaining a strong voice and brand.
Digital technologies impact innovation in all sectors of the economy, from aerospace to agriculture. Businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on technology to reshape more effective business practices, achieve clean growth and reduce business resource costs. The BCCJ is committed to bringing businesses and innovation organisations together to find modern-day technological solutions.