The BCCJ is an active supporter of UK companies that have an interest in exploring opportunities in the Japan market.
Why Invest in Japan?
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Japan has been increasing since 2011, with inward FDI stock hitting a record high in 2019. What has triggered this positive development? Japan is transforming – the world’s third-largest economy is actively opening its doors to foreign business. It is creating the best possible environment for overseas investors, backed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pro-global business policy known as Abenomics.
In addition to its economic stability, Japan has very strong purchasing power and therefore strong domestic demand. As a leader in high technology, research and development (with the largest number of patents in the world), Japan has had a steadily growing economy and rock solid stability for several decades. Because of its geographical location, any foreign investor operating in the Japanese market has a facilitated entry to other Asian markets. The business environment is clearly favourable and reinforced by a stable political system. The workforce is highly skilled and the Japanese are known as great workers dedicated to their company. The ageing of its population opens up great opportunities for products and services geared towards older age groups (health care technology, medical devices, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, etc.).
Export to Japan
Export to Japan is a unique not-for-profit partnership led by UK Trade & Investment Japan based at the British Embassy Tokyo and Consulate-General Osaka, along with strategic partners: British Airways & Japan Airlines, the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan and Business Link Japan. The website is a one-stop shop to help UK companies succeed in the Japanese market.
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) is a government-related organisation promoting mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. JETRO offers investors information on all aspects of businesses in Japan. It provides expert consultation and offers free temporary office space in major business areas across the country. JETRO has succeeded in attracting more than 900 foreign companies to Japan in past eight years.
Resources: 5 Reasons to Invest in JAPAN
Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center
The Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center (TOSBEC) is a centre jointly administered by the Japanese government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the foreign companies which want to expand or launch their businesses in Tokyo.
TOSBEC provides free consultations with professionals in various fields of entrepreneurship and interpretation and translation services in multiple languages are also provided as needed. Please come and participate in the information session if you are thinking about setting up business in Tokyo!
MIPRO(Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization)
MIPRO(Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization) became a general incorporated foundation as of April 1, 2013 along with the institution of the new public-interest corporation system.
MIPRO was established in 1978 as a nonprofit organization by the joint efforts of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and the private sector. The organization managed International Exhibition Halls and an Imports Information Center, in Ikebukuro Sunshine City where it hosted exhibitions, seminars and sold products to promote imports of foreign-manufactured products with the view to expanding trade and rectifying trade imbalance.
Resources: The Mipro’s Guide to Starting a Business in Japan