British Business Awards

June 24, 2024


🇬🇧BCCJがお送りする、日英両国の商業と文化の最高峰を祝う最大級イベント開催🇯🇵 7月31日までにご予約を 栄えあるブリティッシュ・ビジネス・アワード2024の早割チケットが発売開始となりました!今年は2024年11月8日18時から22時まで、ヒルトン東京にて開催いたします。レッドカーペットの華やかな夜、豪華賞品、極上の英国料理、そして日英ビジネス関係の卓越性を称える授賞式にぜひご参加ください。 早期割引価格(2024年7月31日まで) ・会員の方 10人テーブル:¥240,000〜¥280,000 お一人様シート: ¥24,000〜¥28,000 ・非会員の方 10人テーブル:¥280,000〜¥300,000 お一人様シート: ¥28,000〜¥30,000 標準価格(2024年8月1日より) ・会員の方 10人テーブル: ¥280,000〜¥320,000 お一人様シート: ¥28,000~ ¥32,000 ・非会員 10人テーブル: ¥320,000〜¥340,000 お一人様シート: ¥32,000〜¥34,000 ご予約はこちらから。チケットは大変人気がありますので、お早めにお求めください。日英の商業と文化の素晴らしい祭典をお見逃しなく!
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June 24, 2024


🇬🇧BCCJがお送りする、日英両国の商業と文化の最高峰を祝う最大級イベ� ...

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June 21, 2024

Grab Your Early Bird Ticket for the British Business Awards 2024

🇬🇧The BCCJ’s Headline Gala Celebrating the Best of UK-Japan Commerce and Culture🇯🇵 ...

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June 6, 2024

Sponsorship Opportunities at the British Business Awards 2024

Enhance your brand and showcase your company to an audience of over 330 influential executives from ...

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May 13, 2024


🇬🇧BBA(ブリティッシュビジネスアワード2024)授賞式🇯🇵   BCCJは� ...

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December 21, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: Company of the Year – EY Japan

EY Japan Co., Ltd. has been awarded a British Business Award (BBA) in the category of Company of the ...

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December 18, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: Digi-Tech Innovation – Colt Technology Services

The British Business Award for Digi-Tech Innovation is the latest in a series of prestigious achieve ...

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December 8, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: UK–Japan Partnership – Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance and Mind Foundry

Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance and Mind Foundry are marking the first anniversary of their joint venture ...

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December 1, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: Entrepreneur of the Year – PUSH Japan

Founded mere weeks before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, PUSH Japan KK had a rocky start. Now t ...

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November 24, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Guardian

A chance occurrence five years ago set the wheels in motion for the establishment of K.K. Guardian, ...

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November 15, 2023

BBA 2023 Winner Profile: Responsible Business – AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca K.K. (AZKK) has made history by being awarded a British Business Award (BBA) for the six ...

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November 10, 2023

Highlights from the British Business Awards 2023

The 75th anniversary of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ) was marked in style on Novem ...

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November 3, 2023

Congratulations to All British Business Awards 2023 Winners!

The best of UK-Japan relations, as well as British excellence, innovation, diversity, entrepreneursh ...

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October 30, 2023

British Business Awards 2022: One Year On – ESR Group

Third-largest global listed real asset investment owner and manager of new economy real estate ESR G ...

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October 30, 2023

Invest NI Announced as British Business Awards 2023 Gold Sponsor

It is with great pleasure that the BCCJ announces Invest NI as the Gold Sponsor for the British Busi ...

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October 25, 2023

British Business Awards 2022: One Year On – Toshiba & BT Group

The British Business Awards (BBA) is a celebration of UK-Japan culture and commerce, recognising out ...

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October 18, 2023

BBA 2023 Nominees: Company of the Year

By the conclusion of the British Business Awards 2023 (#BBA2023) nomination period, we had received ...

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