Welcome: Sarah Furuya Coaching

**We are delighted to welcome Sarah Furuya Coaching as a new entrepreneur member of the BCCJ!**
Sarah Furuya Coaching offers private and executive coaching for those looking to improve all aspects of their business and personal lives. Sarah’s goal is to inspire, not because of what she says, but because of the questions she asks within a courageous environment that allows you to discover your authentic self.
Sarah Furuya Coaching offers both long- and short-term private and executive coaching packages, with discounts available to SFC partner companies and organisations. Whereas private coaching focuses on 1-on-1 personal and professional development, executive coaching targets corporate training, systems coaching and psychometrics.
Sarah is a trained ORSC™ Organisational and Relationship Systems Coach from CRR Global, a certified practitioner in Lumina Spark® and Saville Wave™ Psychometric and Aptitude assessments with a BSc Hons in Human Psychology and Human Biology. She has been working in the adult training and coaching industry since 2005 having been in management positions in the UK prior to moving to Japan in 2001.
From life planning workshops to sustainability clothing swaps, Sarah hosts multiple yearly events, dates of which can be found on her website, www.sarahfuruya.com.
Sarah is also an Executive Sponsor for FEW Japan, and a Board of Director for Refugees International Japan, and was a nominee for the British Business Awards 2019 Positive Impact award.