Joint Statement on the Entry Restrictions in Japan (Nov 14 2021)

Written by BCCJ
November 12, 2021


Written by BCCJ
November 12, 2021

The BCCJ and other international Chambers of Commerce in Japan today issued a joint statement on the country’s entry restrictions, calling for key actions to safely resume international travel.


The joint statement reads as follows


Joint Statement on the Entry Restrictions in Japan


The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), British Chamber of Commerce in
Japan (BCCJ), Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ), German Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan), French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France Japon), Italian Chamber, and the European Business Council in Japan (EBC), welcome the change to the Government of Japan’s inbound travel policy that took effect on November 8, 2021. Permitting business travelers and students to once again enter Japan is a critical step toward Japan’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery. It will help to ensure that international businesses operating in Japan can continue serving their clients and customers in country and is a necessary precondition to attracting new investment and talent from overseas to meet Japan’s economic goals.

We also welcome the reduction from 10 to three days for the quarantine period required of
vaccinated business travelers permitted to enter Japan as well as the proposed new measure to allow pre-approved movements after the third day.

However, we note with concern that even with the aforementioned changes, new reporting
requirements imposed on sponsoring companies and organizations, as well as other
regulatory requirements, mean that Japan will remain more difficult to enter than most of its major economic partners, including other G7 countries.

Further, the continuing requirement for business travelers to obtain a visa (up to 3 months’ stay) leads to a significant increase in administrative burden for Japanese and international companies, while limits on the number of businesspeople entering the country adds further uncertainty and complications.

In light of the aforementioned issues and recognizing that the safe resumption of international travel is vital to Japan’s economy, we request:

● Simplification of, and greater transparency for, the decision-making process for
obtaining visas for business travelers.
● The Government of Japan to move as rapidly as possible to eliminate quarantines and
to simplify and eventually eliminate sponsorship procedures for vaccinated travelers.
● The Government of Japan to consider increasing the limits on the number of business
people entering the country in the near future.

We have appreciated the Government of Japan’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 in
Japan and to accelerate vaccination of the population, including all foreign residents.
Further, we applaud the Japanese government’s willingness to recognize digital vaccination systems implemented in many major partner countries, such as the SMART system used widely in the United States and across Europe.

● To further facilitate the smooth resumption of international travel, we request that
Japan enhance its procedures by recognizing the validity of all vaccines accredited by
the World Health Organization for entry into Japan.

We commend the Government of Japan for re-opening its borders to international students. International education is critically important as an industry itself and more broadly as a vital incubator of the talent on which business depends. Unfortunately, the new procedures required of students seeking to study in Japan are costly, time-consuming, and onerous. These procedures and the resulting delays constitute a barrier to international education and will deter, rather than facilitate, international students from studying in Japan.

● In this context, we strongly encourage the Government of Japan to take immediate
steps to simplify, expedite, and lower costs for entry of students into Japan.

Finally, we request that the entry process at Japan’s airports, which can currently take many hours, be streamlined. Fuller utilization of digital documentation could substantially reduce entry waiting times, reduce costs, and help prepare for eventual expansion of visitor numbers as public health conditions permit.

We look forward to having the opportunity to discuss these recommendations, and to
continuing to support Japan’s economic recovery and growth.

Read joint statement in ENGLISH HERE


在⽇⽶国商⼯会議所(ACCJ)、在⽇英国商業会議所(BCCJ)、在⽇カナダ商⼯会議所(CCCJ)、在⽇フランス商⼯会議所(CCI France Japon)、欧州ビジネス協会(EBC)、在⽇ドイツ商⼯会議所(AHK Japan)、在⽇イタリア商⼯会議所(ICCJ)は、2021 年 11 ⽉ 8 ⽇に施⾏された⽇本政府のインバウンド政策の変更を歓迎いたします。ビジネス渡航者や留学⽣の⽇本への⼊国を再び許可することは、コロナ後の⽇本の経済回復に向けた重要な⼀歩です。加えて、⽇本の経済⽬標を達成する上で、海外から新たな投資や⼈材を呼び込むために必要な前提条件であり、またこれにより、⽇本で活動するグローバル企業は国内の顧客や取引先に引続きサービスを提供できるようになります。

また、ワクチンを接種したビジネス渡航者が⽇本に⼊国する際に必要な待機期間が 10 ⽇から 3 ⽇に短縮され、4 ⽇⽬以降は事前に承認された⾏動を認めるという新たな措置が提案されたことも歓迎いたします。

しかしながら、前述の変更がなされたとしても、受⼊企業や団体に課される新たな報告義務やその他の規制要件により、⽇本への⼊国は、他の G7 諸国を含む主要な経済パートナーと⽐較しても依然として困難であることに懸念が残ります。

さらに、ビジネス渡航者には現在もビザの取得(最⻑ 3 ヶ⽉の滞在)が義務付けられているため、⽇本企業や外資系企業の管理負担は⼤幅に増加し、ビジネス⽬的の⼊国者を含め 1 ⽇の⼊国者数に上限を課していることはさらなる不確実性と複雑性をもたらします。


• ビジネス渡航者への査証発給の決定過程の簡素化および透明化
• ⽇本政府がワクチン済み渡航者に対する待機制度を早急に廃⽌し、受⼊責任者制度
• ⽇本政府がビジネス渡航者を含めた⼊国⼈数制限緩和の拡⼤を検討していくこと


さらに、⽶国や欧州で広く採⽤されている SMART システムのように、多くの主要パート

• 国際往来の円滑な再開を促進するために、⽇本が、世界保健機関(WHO)の緊急


• このような観点から、⽇本政府に対し、海外からの留学⽣の⼊国⼿続きを簡素化、


ACCJ、BCCJ、CCCJ、CCI France Japon、EBC、AHK Japan、ICCJ は、これらの提⾔について対話の機会を持ち、今後も⽇本の景気回復と経済成⻑を⽀援する機会を得られることを⼼より期待しております。
在⽇⽶国商⼯会議所 (ACCJ)
在⽇英国商業会議所 (BCCJ)
在⽇カナダ商⼯会議所 (CCCJ)
在⽇フランス商⼯会議所 (CCI France Japon)
欧州ビジネス協会 (EBC)
在⽇ドイツ商⼯会議所 (AHK Japan)
在⽇イタリア⽇本商⼯会議所 (ICCJ)