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Joint Statement on the Easing of Re-Entry Restrictions on Foreign Residents in Japan
Written by BCCJ
February 19, 2021
Japan News
The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ) and the European Business Council (EBC) express their deep appreciation to the Government of Japan for its efforts in limiting the spread of COVID-19 in Japan, and, in particular, for the uniform treatment of re-entry procedures for both Japanese national and foreign residents of Japan. We hope this equal application of the travel measures and public health protocols will continue to be enforced for the benefit of all.
Foreign residents and their families actively and positively contribute to Japan’s economy and society through significant personal and financial investment. The ability to travel is not only a critical issue for long-term residents, but also for foreign companies in Japan. The recent easing of re-entry restrictions on long-term residents has helped foreign based companies maintain operations and continue contributing to Japan’s economy.
While the ACCJ, BCCJ, CCCJ and the EBC will continue to strongly support government efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus, restrictions on entry into Japan of any new foreign personnel will pose increasing problems for multinational companies which are currently operating in Japan or are considering major investments in Japan, as well as for Japanese companies cooperating with foreign partners. We therefore hope that as the current emergency period draws to a close, the government will resume issuance of new visas and landing permits for essential foreign personnel as soon as possible while moving forward with the Government’s initiatives to use digital signatures and documents wherever possible, and with due consideration to necessary precautions to ensure continued maintenance of public health.
The ACCJ, BCCJ, CCCJ and the EBC share the goal of protecting Japan and its residents from further spread of the virus. We are grateful for the strong partnership and open communication between the ACCJ, BCCJ, CCCJ, the EBC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and the Immigration Services Agency (ISA), and stand ready to support Prime Minister Suga in strengthening Japan’s economy, society, and international relations.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ)
The British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ)
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ)
European Business Council in Japan (EBC)