Help Make A Change for International Women’s Day 2018

Written by BCCJ
February 28, 2018


Written by BCCJ
February 28, 2018

March 8 marks this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD), a global day celebrating women’s achievements in cultural, social, economic, and political advancements. It also stands as a pledge for gender parity and equal opportunity for women. With the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report findings telling us that gender parity is over 200 years away – there has never been a more important time to keep motivated and press for change.

The BCCJ firmly believes that engaging women to join the movement for inclusion and allowing diversity is essential for advancing tomorrow’s working environment. Gender diversity has been at the heart of the BCCJ’s D&I programme, an initiative designed to promote greater understanding of, and develop support mechanisms also aimed at the LGBT community, disabled persons and millenials.

Engaging women to join the movement for inclusion and allowing diversity in the workplace is necessary for the advancement of Japanese and global gender parity in the world. The BCCJ has joined this mission through daily operation and teaming with members who focus on a global future with women in political positions, joining the job market at equal rate of men, and who get paid at the same rate. We are committed to advancing Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) at the BCCJ, and this runs through everything we do.

D&I is embedded in our:

— Governance and operations
— Recruitment of people
— Elections for our Executive Committee (Excom)
— Nominees and judges for the British Business Awards (BBA)
— Supplier diversity

To take part of this change, the BCCJ recommends supporting grassroot campaigns in Japan that call for gender equality and contributing to the voices that want to be heard around the globe.

Women’s Action Network (WAN)
WAN is a non-profit organisation focused on supporting women in Japan through a large variety of different activities offered. They are led by feminist scholar Chizuko Ueno who offers a large variety of historical archives online and free videos of feminist lectures.

On March 8, WAN will be assisting in the International Women’s March to call recognise issues such as disadvantages in race, ethnicity, economic disparity, sexuality, disability, and immigration. Another chance to #PressforProgress by getting to say #MeToo and recognising women’s struggle across Japan.

Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Centre 
AJWRC is a group that joined the fight to end sexual violence and harrassment around the globe. Its focus is to spread awareness of sexual crimes, human trafficking, war, globalisation, and allowing the voices of women who have been affected by these tragedies.

AJWRC offers workshops for women to become better equipped with necessary skills to handle any type of situation that challenges them. You can support them also by becoming a member, donating to their causes, or volunteering as a translator.

Mums In Business Tokyo
Mums in Business is a professional group of women who provide support and advice to new mums trying to balance work and home. They meet for networking opportunities to exchange tips, insight, and raising awareness for gender inclusion in Japan.

For Empowering Women (FEW)
FEW is a Tokyo based non profit business organisation with a mission for all international women to realise their full professional and person potential. They host regular monthly meetings for networking and connecting to other women. They manage special interest groups and career development-focused seminars and promote volunteering, as well as engaging strategic partnerships.




1) Run your own, or join a #PressforProgress IWD campaign
One of the most powerful ways you can influence how quickly gender equality is achieved is through championing a #PressforProgress campaign within your own organisation.

2) Host a #PressforProgress IWD event
Invite your speaker/s to articulate and explain that exact moment when they themselves took bold action to help improve or develop an aspect of their own livelihood, career or business – or that of another woman’s, or women’s status overall.

3) Social share your support
Use the hashtag #PressforProgess in your calls for action/gender parity on your communication channels.

4) Secure executive statements of support
Submit an approved and authorised #PressforProgress statement of support from your leaders (celebrities, corporate chairpersons and CEOs, government officials, charity heads, business and community leaders) – for possible promotion and amplification via the IWD website and social media channel.

Will you #PressforProgress?
– Make a difference, think globally and act locally!
– Make everyday International Women’s Day.
– Press to progress and ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” —Madeleine Albright

International Women’s Day Website

Produced by Mia Muchnick