FCO Accepting Bids for Cyber Security Toolkit

Written by Sterling Content
November 24, 2017


Written by Sterling Content
November 24, 2017

The British Embassy Tokyo is inviting interested parties to submit bids for producing Japan Cyber Security Market Intelligence toolkit to help the UK cyber security companies to capture business opportunities in the Japanese market.

Closing date: 06 December 2017
Contract start date: 10 December 2017
Contract end date: 31 March 2018

Towards Tokyo 2020, there is rapidly growing need for cyber security in Japan. The UK expertise on cyber security is well recognised in Japan and intensive discussion/collaboration are already happening at government and academia levels. The UK cyber security companies have also started seeing some success.

This project aims to help the UK cyber security companies to capture these business opportunities in the Japanese market, by producing Japan Cyber Security Market Intelligence toolkit. Production of this toolkit would enable the UK companies to understand the current Japanese market situation, make better informed decision on whether enter the market and how to take their next steps, and eventually win contracts. The toolkit will be shared with the UK companies via webinars, seminars, and partners.

Key outputs

The successful bidder should produce a Cyber Security Market Intelligence toolkit by mid March. The toolkit will

  • build on the previous one in 2015, to help UK cyber security businesses in Japan;
  • Provide an overview of the current cyber market in Japan, including market size and prospects, examples of companies currently trading in Japan and the market sectors covered.
  • detail in general terms how Japanese companies purchase cyber security services including decision making process.
  • cover the process for overseas companies to enter the Japanese market (direct sales/partnering etc).
  • provide an assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese cyber security market and market trends and opportunities.
  • cover any other aspect that UK companies need to know in order to successfully win business in the Japanese cyber security market.
  • include information on Japanese government, legal cyber policies, and governance.
  • useful resources for UK companies to refer to

If you have any queries (including the request to access to the previous toolkit in 2015), please contact: [email protected]

To find out more, including how to bid, please download Provision of a Japan Cyber Security Market Intelligence toolkit (PDF, 276KB, 25 pages) . The deadline for bids is 1700 on Wednesday 6 December 2017 (Japan time).