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Education First launches a One-month English Training Campaign
Written by BCCJ
March 6, 2020
Member News
We won’t let Coronavirus stop you from learning English!
The COVID-19 virus outbreak has presented businesses with a completely new situation, with many people being asked to work from home, to avoid large gatherings or events and also to manage the family challenge of schools being closed.
At EF we are hearing from many clients and connections regarding the difficulty of smoothly delivering English training to their employees working remotely.
In order to support companies in Japan that wish to enable their employees to continue studying English during this challenging period, EF has launched a one-month English training campaign. The campaign is free of charge and application is by HR and Training Managers on behalf of their employees via our landing page.
Campaign content (EF EnglishLive)
- 2000 hours of high-quality self study content
- English level test
- Group lessons (Unlimited access. Each class 45 minutes)
- Private lessons (3 x 45 minute sessions)
- Writing correction by native English teachers
- Business skills and Industry specific courses
- Teacher feedback after every lesson
To apply
- Complete the form accessible via this link
- An EF team member will contact you and explain the service via telephone
- Your employees can then enjoy one-month of English learning
企業ができる「新型コロナウイルス対策」- オンライン英語受け放題
無料キャンペーンの内容 (EF English Live):
- 2000時間に及ぶ、オンライン自己学習教材
- 英語レベル診断テスト
- グループレッスン(無制限に受講可能 ・ 各45分)
- プライベートレッスン (3回 ・ 各40分)
- ネイティブ講師による英文添削
- ビジネス英会話や業界別英語コース
- 教師からのフィードバックと成果確認
- フォームをご記入の上、お申込みください
- 弊社担当よりご受講の流れについてご連絡致します
- 受講希望者リストをご返送ください
- 1ヵ月間、英語レッスンが受け放題となります