Atlantic Pacific Summer Camp – 29 July – 2 August, 2024

Written by Sterling Content
May 16, 2024


Written by Sterling Content
May 16, 2024

Nebama Bay, Kamaishi, Japan

Applications are open for Atlantic Pacific’s Summer Camp 2024: an unforgettable life experience for young people aged 13–18 that looks great on the CV and enhances future prospects.

Our unique residential programme takes place in Japan in the beautiful coastal setting of Nebama Bay, Kamaishi. It’s an idyllic place to spend time by the sea, learn valuable life skills and make new friends with other young people from all over the world.


International-style education

Atlantic Pacific is a trusted international humanitarian organisation run by our team of trusted experts on a mission to combat global drowning. We are part of the United World Colleges UWC X initiative.

Attending one of our camps demonstrates a well-rounded, adventurous and open-minded approach to learning. At summer camp, our international team of trained experts teach in small groups, offering top-quality personal learning experiences that focus on helping participants to safely enjoy and protect our beautiful oceans.

Previous students have told us that their university applications have been significantly improved by attending Atlantic Pacific programmes. In application interviews, the extra-curricular experiences gained from our camps have made students’ applications stand out from the crowd.


Activities (vary but can include)

  • Sightseeing in the local area
  • First aid workshop
  • Sea-going lifeboat experience
  • Swimming & sailing
  • Disaster response & recovery
  • Exploring the tsunami legacy
  • Fishing trip with local residents
  • Ocean Revival & Plastic Prevention
  • Interactive learning workshops
  • Exploring climate change solutions


Learning Opportunities

You will leave summer camp with these amazing personal benefits:

  • Achievement Certificate
  • Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Increased confidence
  • Basic first aid skills
  • Improved English & Japanese speaking
  • Understanding of humanitarian work
  • Knowledge & practical skills
  • Leadership & teamwork skills
  • New friends
  • Unforgettable memories!


A new way of living

We provide a holistic approach to learning, including experiences on the water, education about the problems our planet is facing and insights into the real impact it is having on communities like Nebama. We also teach fundamental lifesaving skills so participants can be prepared to help in an emergency and become active humanitarians. With this approach, we hope to inspire our participants to start a new way of living.



Our local partners Nebama MIND provide very unique places for participants to stay during summer camp. In traditional Japanese tatami rooms, students are divided between Maekawa’s Guest House, Sasaki’s Airbnb and Houriakan Hotel, where they will be looked after with the very best omotenashi: wonderful Japanese hospitality.


More details

For just 105,000 yen, our program fee includes accommodation, insurance and all activities. (Travel fees not included).

Apply now!

Second round applications close 10th June, for a decision 24th June.

If you have any questions, please email Lin Nishitani: [email protected]