2018-2019 BCCJ Excom candidates – who gets your vote?

Written by BCCJ
March 25, 2018


Written by BCCJ
March 25, 2018

We call upon all BCCJ members with voting rights to vote in our 2018-2019 Executive Committee (Excom) election, which will run from Tuesday, March 27 to Thursday April 12, at 1700.

The Excom seeks an appropriate balance of members of the business community with specific skills and experiences that will benefit the BCCJ and its membership at large.

This year there are 18 candidates competing for 15 Excom seats.

Read the BCCJ 2018-19 Executive Committee Election Booklet for the full list of candidates and their pledges to the BCCJ HERE


Who is standing for election?

Candidate names are listed at random across two categories: “New candidates” and “Current Excom members” (2017-2018)”:

New candidates

Candidates who served on the 2017-2018 Excom are indicated by an asterisk (*).

— Heather McLeish, Ernst & Young
— Will Farquhar, Aston Martin Japan Ltd.
— Tove Kinooka, Global Perspectives K.K.
— Jean-Pierre Stainnack, Airbus Japan K.K.

Current Excom members (2017-2018)

  • Iain Ferguson, Lloyd’s Japan Inc.*
  • Julia Maeda, Individual Member*
  • Alison Beale, University of Oxford Japan Office*
  • Dr. Florian Kohlbacher, The Economist Group*
  • Trevor Webster, Taylor Brunswick Japan K.K.*
  • James Dodds, KPMG*
  • Reiko Sakimura, Clifford Chance Law Office*
  • Mark Dearlove, Barclays Securities Japan Ltd. *
  • David Bickle, Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co.* (candidate for President)
  • Noriko Silvester, Candlewick Co., Ltd.*
  • Philippe Fauchet, OBE, GlaxoSmithKline K.K.*
  • Susumu Kaminaga, Individual Member*
  • Simon Farrell, Custom Media K.K.*
  • Richard Thornley, CBE, Individual Member*

Of the above, David Bickle has indicated his willingness to serve for one year as President of the Chamber and Chair of the Executive Committee. David qualifies for, and is therefore proposed to serve as, President and Chair, conditional to his being elected onto Excom.


Who has voting rights?

The BCCJ’s one-member one-vote framework means that one vote is allocated per BCCJ membership.

Eligible voters are:

(i) Nominated Representatives (each BCCJ member company has one Nominated Representative)
(ii) Individual members


How are votes cast?

On Tuesday, 27 March 2018, eligible voters will receive an email asking them to vote – anonymously and via a secure online voting platform – for the candidates they wish to represent all members at Excom level, in Chamber year 2018-2019.

Voters can click “View Details” on the voting form to find out more about each candidate.

Voters can choose up to a maximum of 15 candidates from the list of 18. Voters do not have to use all 15 votes. For example, if voters would only like to vote for two candidates, they can place just two votes.

Voters can also abstain.

Voting ends on Thursday, April 12 at 1700.


When is the result announced?

The result of the 2018-2019 Excom election will be announced at the BCCJ Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held from 1830-2030 on April 26 at the Conrad Tokyo. This event is free to all BCCJ members, includes a light buffet and drinks reception, hosted by the BCCJ President.

Thursday, 26 April 2017
Conrad Tokyo




  • February 18 – March 16: Excom Nomination period NOW CLOSED (18 nominations received)
  • March 26 – April 12: Election (voting) period
  • April 26: BCCJ AGM (Conrad Tokyo, 1830)


Further reading

– The Excom election decides which members will steer the strategic direction of the BCCJ in Chamber year 2018-2019. Under our constitution, the Excom is run by a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 individuals.

– The nomination period for the BCCJ 2018-2019 Executive Committee (Excom) and Presidential elections opened on February 19. By the nomination deadline, March 16 at 1700, we had received 18 nominations that met constitutional guidelines.

– All Excom candidates have adhered to the same format in preparing campaign pledges of no more than 100 words for the election voting site. Beyond this, any campaigning or electioneering by candidates is not permitted.

– Chris Heffer (Director of UK Trade and Investment at the British Embassy Tokyo) and Matt Burney (Director of the British Council, Japan) will continue to represent their respective organisations as ex-officio members of Excom.

– Please note that you must be logged into the BCCJ website to view some of the above members-only content.

– Excom role, and current Excom members HERE

– BCCJ Constitution HERE

– Excom election booklet for 2018-2019 HERE


Thank you very much in advance for your active participation in the governance of the BCCJ!